Thinking of getting a cat ?

Thinking of getting a cat?

Having a cat can mean different things to different people. Some want to sit on a cat's lap; Others are happy to live with a very independent cat that spends most of its time outside without wanting too much human interaction.

The important thing is that you try to find a cat that will communicate with you as much as you want. Interact Not all cats are the same and how each cat treats you depends on its innate personality and initial experience (or lack of experience), Which can make life in general and with people awful or confident. 

The environment in which you keep a cat is also very important - for example, if it lives with a lot of cats that do not get it, it will be stressed and will react differently if it is on its own.

Although there is no guaranteed way to choose the perfect cat for you and your life, understanding your expectations as well as what ticks the cat will help you bring a cat into the house that will be able to fight its new environment and be the pet you want too.

What you need for cat care:

.Provide lots of human companionships.

. Provide uninterrupted freshwater with regular, appropriate meals

. Provide a clean and comfortable bed.

. Provide the cat with outdoor access or be prepared to empty and clean a litter tray every day.

.Provide it with a stimulating and safe environment.

.Groom it regularly. Longer cats need everyday makeup.

.It is affectionate between the ages of 4 to 6 months.

.Vaccinate against large line diseases without.

.Slightly regulate and provide treatment for development.

.When the cat shows any signs of illness, take it to the veterinarian.

.Make sure your cat or make sure you can afford any veterinary treatment.

How much care and attention does a cat need?

Cats, like pets, require relatively less maintenance than dogs, which require companionship, walking, training, etc., but like some pets, they need to be cared for, and some cats need more care than others. Do you want to spend a lot of time with your cat, are you demanding it, or do you have limited time? Cats are more easily engaged in modern lifestyles than dogs because they are quite distinct, Alone can be left much easier and more suitable for small flats or houses. Cats are often chosen by people who lead busy and stressful lives and who want some companionship when they go home for comfort.

Thinking of getting a cat

What do you want from your relationship with a cat?

If you are the type of person who really needs to have a close relationship with your cat and be able to handle it and communicate with you, you will be disappointed if you take the hidden nervous cat every time you are disappointed you come home One might want to think of a species of reproduction that may be more interactive than some moguls and more deprived of human organization. This can be a problem for cats if you are out of work all day and only available to focus on the evening or the weekend.

Some cats need to know when to feel comfortable. Such cats would be happy enough to live with an elderly woman who rarely has visitors and lives a very quiet life, but it will probably live in a house full of stressful kids and other animals with lots of visitors and activities. Other cats, however, can succeed in various interactions with lots of people and fit perfectly into a busy family.

If you don’t have the time or inclination to injure a cat on a daily basis, don’t think about getting a Persian or a long-coated cat. In heredity, any cat with a long coat other than a Persian is called a semi-longhair because the coat is not as full as in Persia and does not have a thick undercoat like this; however, it is still long and needs decoration. Additionally, if you are extremely home-grown, you may not get lots of hair everywhere.

A short scratch is a much easier option for cats, as most cats are bigoted about their dress and keep them undisturbed. That doesn’t mean they won’t cut hair - if you’re thinking of getting a white cat, remember to have dark furniture or vice versa. Likewise, a cat probably sharpens its nails inside the house on its staircase carpet, sometimes on furniture or even wallpaper. Whether or not your cat does this depends on the cat itself and the environment you provide, But there are things you can do to deal with it, but it is good to admit from the beginning that your cat is an animal that is involved in free will and natural behavior that is not suitable for a person who needs to have an uncluttered house.

Can I keep a cat on a vegetarian diet?

Are you vegetarian and your cat is the same? If you want a vegetarian pet that doesn’t challenge your beliefs, it’s best to get a rabbit - a cat is muscular first and foremost and that’s exactly why it looks and behaves. A cat is said to be a compulsive carnivore - it has absolutely essential needs for some of the nutrients found in the meat and all its senses of smell and taste are justified for being carnivorous - it would be unfair to health and even extremely dangerous to try to keep it as a vegetarian. Feeding your cat or kitten.

Is there a type of cat that does not hunt?

Hunting your cat outside of you can be a great annoyance. Perhaps you are a bird lover, or unable to deal with small corpses on the floor. Normal behavior for hunting cats. Keeping a cat indoors doesn't actually kill anything, but it still requires an outlet, its most natural behavior, and not all cats can be happy with a pet. Likewise, if you’re just getting a cat to keep the vermilion in the bay, you won’t want to find yourself with someone who isn’t particularly interested in ‘Huntin’, ‘Shutin’ and ‘Fishin’ and prefers to be a mashed potato! Older cats will hunt much less than younger ones and some cats don’t bother at all, but there’s no easy way to know how cats will behave.

Can I keep a cat in the house?

If you think about the life of a cat that has access to the outside, you will realize that being outside brings a huge variety to its life, and if it wants to, it allows it to use all of its prey behavior. Of course, there are risks outside of cats too but you need to balance these with a very positive aspect of physical and mental stimulation and an outlet for natural behavior. Vs. outside the house.

Thinking of getting a cat

Can I keep a cat with a kitten or toddler?

There is no reason not to have a cat or kitten if you have a baby. It is up to their parents to teach their children from the very beginning how to approach cats, stroke, and manage and treat them kindly. Many babies have a great relationship with cats and have to learn to respect and be gentle with other animals - this is always done successfully, But it is up to the parents to uphold the rules. Having a new kitten when you have a new baby can probably be a lot to handle together, so scheduling time for all of you on the team is part of a successful relationship. Also, if you are pregnant, you do not need to get rid of the cat. General and basic hygiene precautions and general knowledge of cats can ensure happiness and safe intercourse while the baby is young.

Should I have an adult cat or kitten?

A kitten gives you the opportunity to hold and treat and care for an animal from the very beginning so that it is the best start in life. You will be able to get some idea about its character. However, kittens need a lot of attention and some foresight to prevent them from getting into trouble. If you leave them alone, you need to make sure they are safe while they are away. Depending on where you got your kitten from, you need to be neutered, Initial vaccination, etc. may also have to be arranged. Where to find a cat or kitten and what to ask Kittens have a huge ‘clever’ factor, but it should be remembered that they don’t keep kittens for very long in six months out of 14 years or more.

With adult cats, it is at least obvious if it is long or short-haired. You should get a good idea of ​​your cat’s personality, although if it is kept low in the ideal situation and is stressed or panicked, it can behave very differently than comfortable. A confident adult cat can probably migrate and settle very quickly; Nervousness may take longer. It would be so easy to leave an older cat alone with the knowledge that it would not cause problems on its own, and it would usually be much less laborious and anxious than a kitten. An adult cat will probably have already been vaccinated and vaccinated. Choose an adult cat and where to find it.

What sex should my cat have?

The sex of a kitten does not really matter unless you soften your kitten at about four years of age (before the effects of sexual age hormones begin) before your kitten reaches puberty. For example, obsolete male cats will mark their territory with strong-smelling urine while on-neutered female cats may not be pregnant but may come in season every two weeks.

If you’re just getting a cat or kitten, it doesn’t matter what gender you’re choosing. Similarly, if you want two kittens and you get two from the same litter, the sex of both cats is not important. However, if you have a resident cat and you are only getting a kitten or another cat, it is worth considering going for one of the opposite sex to try and remove a few of the elements of the competition. The immaturity of young cats seems to remove this competitive element as a kitten may be a better option than other adult cats - for a while, you hope they will like each other! Nutrition also removes the need for so much competition and makes the sexual choice much less important.

Thinking of getting a cat ?
Would I like a particular breed or moggy?

Most cats kept as pets are what we call mogzi or domestic short or long-haired cats - this is a random mix of different cats, we often have no idea about their parents (although well fathered). This means that kittens have no control over the color, body size, coat length or anything else inherited from their parents. So, for example, if your kitten is from a moggy mother, her father is unknown, if the father is truly long-lived, it may develop a longer coat than you wish.

There is more to choosing a pedigree cat than choosing the color or length of a particular coat - if you really want to consider the welfare of cats, there are ethical considerations with some pedigrees. There are also health issues that should be tested with your breeder and the things you need to ask. Good breeders breed healthy, people-friendly cats and avoid (or try to deal with) inherited diseases that arise. Breed cats - things to consider

Which breed of cat should be chosen?

There are many different varieties, some of which require extra care and attention, for example, if they do not have a long coat or even a coat. (See our cat breed A-Z). Some breeding cats are more concentrated and do not like to be alone for long periods of time. If you’re out at work all day, it might be appropriate for the company to have two kittens together - do your research on the breed you’re interested in Always always make sure health comes first, no matter what the ‘appearance’.

How to choose a kitten

Can I keep a cat if I have a dog?

If you have other pets, getting a cat shouldn't be a problem, but you just have to make sure you consider everything. If you have a dog, you must make sure that you are introducing it carefully so that you do not chase or injure your new cat while the dog is getting used to it. Not all dog types are good companions for cats.

How to introduce a new cat or kitten with a resident dog

How many cats can I have together?

Cats are very easy to collect - they are addictively beautiful, they are small, and easy to take care of. Even if they don't get it, there is a tendency to remove them from the situation instead of fighting. But there can be a lot of excitement among cats that owners just don’t accept. Cats originate from solitary species and although they may survive in groups, they are usually related or self-selected so that cats do not share space with cats that they do not get. Cats may start spraying or spraying the house indoors as they try to cope with the stress of other cats and this may come to the notice of the owners.

If your two cats have lived together very successfully, think very carefully before adding more. If you have three cats doing well together, thank the stars and leave while you stay ahead! The problem with adding more is that it is not just a new relationship between the resident cat and the cause of the problems; This can upset the whole balance of the relationship between the resident cats and increase the level of tension and stress as well as introduce discomfort in the original cats. Any new cat needs careful identification.

How to Introduce a New Adult Cat to Your Cat.

The best way to have two compatible cats is to choose siblings. These will grow together and it is usually good for a good relationship in the future (although it is never guaranteed).

Thinking of getting a cat ?
What does it cost to keep a cat?

If you are buying cats of any breed, there will be an added cost and these can be quite large. Breeding kittens are usually vaccinated and in some cases are already intensive. If you keep getting a cat from a rescue agency, they may ask for a grant or a fee and it will probably be already lowered and vaccinated. Kittens or cats of friends or neighbors are not usually affectionate or vaccinated, Is worm-treated, does not treat for exfoliation or anything else and it will be in your favor to register with a vet and get these things done. Obviously, the cost of neutering is one-off, but several vaccinations will be needed to ensure that a kitten is protected from infectious diseases; This is because regular booster vaccinations will help protect her during her lifetime (Requirements depend on the cat's lifestyle and the risks associated with it - your veterinarian may advise you). Then there are cages and foods related to the treatment of ticks and worms, preventive healthcare if you take the long-term cat if you want or need indoor litter trays, bedding, and decorating equipment. Microchipping is also recommended in case your cat goes missing. We also recommend that you insure your cat in case of an accident or illness but you don't have to worry about expenses. Choose your insurance carefully to make sure you have what you expect or need.

I have allergies to cats - is there a breed that is better than others?

Many people think it is a cat’s hair that causes us to react to them by sneezing, blowing, or itching. In fact, it is a protein or allergen called FD1, present in the saliva of the line that causes allergies. Because cats regularly groom them they have saliva all over their coats. It dries on the coat and when the cat scratches, Moving or brushing disperses past objects into dust or dandruff and hairs that contain allergens. Cat lovers who really want to have a cat but are allergic sometimes think that they can avoid the problem by choosing a breed that is low, little, or no coat. However, because saliva causes problems, it is less likely to help and prolonged cats are more likely to cause allergies, which is probably due to the fact that they have more hair and are covered with more allergens.

Friends met with cats and tried using different cats to make sure they didn’t react less to allergies. Unfortunately for those who have a reaction or whose family members are allergic, it is very difficult to get around.

What should I do with my cat when I go on vacation?

You should also consider who will take care of your cat if you go on vacation. If you’re only away for a day or two, you can pop in the neighbor and feed him and check if he’s okay. If you are far from it, you may want to consider boarding caterpillars, Because many cats can wander in search of companies. If you have a nervous cat, it may be hidden when the feeder arrives and he or she cannot be sure that everything is OK. A good boarding caterer will protect your cat and allow you to rest while you are away. There are bad boarding caterers, however.

How to choose a good boarding caterer

When should I get a new cat?

If you are thinking of getting a new cat or kitten, choose a time when it is quiet in your home (not in the middle of a family celebration, etc.) and perhaps when you have a couple of days when you can help keep it stable and go on holiday Not before, stay there on the way to get around.

Where can I get a cat and how do I choose it?

Once you think about what responsibilities you have for keeping a cat and what you want, consider where you will find it and how you are going to choose your cat or kitten.

what is the best cat food?

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